What is CALM Sport ?

CALM Sport is a division of CALM Youth launched in 2024. Following our extensive work in schools over the last couple a years a common issue we saw was recess and lunchtime issues. We saw the need for CALM Sport as young people lacked emotional regulation and adequate tools to deal with the complexities of sport. In low socioeconomic areas young people lack adequate resourcing to coaching thus impacting their ability to play sports. With the CALM Youth's team extensive background in coaching totalling over 25 years we have developed an early intervention model with a sport centric focus. We teach students and athletes the mental and emotional side of sport that is commonly overlooked.



Instilling Ethics In Athletes

Going further then our School programs following the interest in our services we have developed Instilling Ethics In Athletes which is a full virtual mentorship model. Within competitive sports, coaches often lack the skills to deal with the emotions of players as they fixated on teaching the "Xs and Os". This is where we step in to bridge the gap between player and coach. Our virtual mentor service includes:
- Onboarding to CALM Sport Platform

- Weekly messaging and contact with sports mentor

- Fortnightly personalised videos 

- Monthly opportunity to zooms to ask specific questions and seek feedback.

With all mentors being players turned coaches they posses the skills to view every situation through the same lens a player is but is also able to put on their coaching hat to provide unique insight.

If you are interested in this subscription based model book in a free consultation now by contacting us here.